Wednesday, 28 August 2024

Star Outlaws 4

Before Fallout London came out I decicided to to make yet another Star Wars playthough - which I may or may not come back to  some day - but way I've gone about it Boston is totally alien and not as Irish (unless there's a Star Wars version of Irish which is Correllian I reckon)- only 3 videos so not my usual total  epic but  I may come back eventually and sort out Kays hair and clobber but lost a load of mods due to vortex acting odd    this could be set before the events in Outlaws so Kays about 18 here so its  the aftermath of the  Clone Wars  (don't release games early to reviewers ffs we want to play the game without spoilers ... have to go  out of my way to avoid the spoilers)

Thursday, 15 August 2024

Fallout London Act 1 Playlist.

A few holiday snaps from London 2237 before the main feature
Mrs Peel and Allister Tenpenny(kind of like Prince Charles I mean the King these days)

Yvette Vagabond 4 Life!

I messed around with Goddess mode so Emma can be more in the story (not a fan of that olde  dialouge system as it limits and breaks my immersion although more can be said and choices are  - but still prefer Fallout 4 speech as it feels more natural and my character gets face time she deserves  )-but having a great time roaming the streets of London  .. as ever unlike other peoples playthroughs.

Biggin Hill
Nobody seems to be in .. maybe door will open later in story

It's a long way to Croydon lol.So far so good has all the ingredients  of a great Fallout game even though it's from Ol Blighty-Act 2 will follow in a few weeks

Friday, 2 August 2024

Fallout 4 Season 5 Playlist

Still from my latest Fallout London playthrough I'll post a playlist here once I get to video 100 but I'll link my progress so far here  as ever it's my unique take so I mess around with all the characters and change how they dress and stuff  plus I'm cheating my nut off otherwise vids would be a series of premature deaths over and over again -plus with the way they've done the dialouge it's like the older games my character gets no face time whatsoever so I have to get it instead with a constant supply of Action points lol

But to the main feature -I or perhaps Vortex made a slip up and I wound up losing all my  mods I had for these playlists I have most of them in folders so once I'm done with Fallout London I'll return to this  if I can 

It'll be a while before I return to American wasteland but lots going on in this playlist Fourville and the opening of Vault 4 -Legacy of the Enclave -The start of Northern Springs and right at the end Plum Grove

But right now it's a London thing (I can't run around with a girl gang though lol but I did hook up with Anne Hargreaves Mum or Grandmother at Saint Pauls catherdrial)

Fallout 4-Star Outlaws Playlist 5

Totally megalegalong but the best Fallout/Star Wars(with a hint of Indy) they'll be a few more Kay  playlists she's had a hard roa...