Tuesday 28 February 2023


 Old Stoney Faces Birthday today ...thought I'd stick these up ..I'll follow up with part 2 takes a while to assemble these into order) It won't make alot of sense especially first few videos as sound on dialogue cuts out but once I meet Judd I mean Kellogg -iT'S great to see One Eyed Jack back in the megazine  and Battle Action is returning for a short while at least depends if it becomes popular -lots of cameos and battle-groupies again I just can't help having a lively imagination.

DreddOut Part 1


Lots of colouring on the go all though destracted by Battlefront 2 (big improvement since debut)Zombie Army 4 and the trials of life such as it is ..mustn't grumble it'll be spring soon.

Indiana Jones and The Institute of Doom

  The Sequel to last post but one  .. getting more views on Youtube   mainly due to new TV show which is  Grande  +  1 -well done gawd bless...