Tuesday 28 September 2021


 This cover won't be final thing as I may try something different with the sky

Decided to start new blog all about my comic colouring as that's what I plan to do for rest of my days - as well as the caring but I face the reality of that day when it ends so going to build up a big library of stories mainly published originally in black n white  but given the John treatment (meaning a blast of colour) so got 30 or  40 years of this to go if I'm fortunate enough to keep alive I've already had a blog for these but seems like blogger doesn't direct traffic that way so I'll post under RamoneTrooper guise see if that makes a iota of difference - thought up title last week apparently there was a TV show same title cept they couldn't spell John properly lol . Above a few samples of what I've been working on the last few weeks  Art by Joe Colquhoun , Mike McMahon , John Cooper and Dave Gibbons -better sort out this blog as I go alongand  may try out other social media too

Indiana Jones and The Institute of Doom

  The Sequel to last post but one  .. getting more views on Youtube   mainly due to new TV show which is  Grande  +  1 -well done gawd bless...