Friday, 2 August 2024

Fallout 4 Season 5 Playlist

Still from my latest Fallout London playthrough I'll post a playlist here once I get to video 100 but I'll link my progress so far here  as ever it's my unique take so I mess around with all the characters and change how they dress and stuff  plus I'm cheating my nut off otherwise vids would be a series of premature deaths over and over again -plus with the way they've done the dialouge it's like the older games my character gets no face time whatsoever so I have to get it instead with a constant supply of Action points lol

But to the main feature -I or perhaps Vortex made a slip up and I wound up losing all my  mods I had for these playlists I have most of them in folders so once I'm done with Fallout London I'll return to this  if I can 

It'll be a while before I return to American wasteland but lots going on in this playlist Fourville and the opening of Vault 4 -Legacy of the Enclave -The start of Northern Springs and right at the end Plum Grove

But right now it's a London thing (I can't run around with a girl gang though lol but I did hook up with Anne Hargreaves Mum or Grandmother at Saint Pauls catherdrial)

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