Friday, 26 May 2023

A1 AI.

 More AI Art Generator stuff this time from DREAM by Wombo

AI tying to draw Dredd and  Anderson Bolland style .. has a problem doing his helmet maybe it's a copyright thing


A few Wren & Fett's

All I do is write a  few words  and wollop it exists -!

Average Sized Vader

Shorty Stormtrooper

"Go On My Son!"

Instant McQuarrie ! a few wrong Dredd's 

Done millions of these  as you can imagine 

Beautiful Tina.

Meant to be Emma Peel but still kinda cool... far more on the other blog


Instant Syd Mead!

Wish I had this thing back in 1980 but I guess I wouldn't bother to learn to draw ..Right now though It takes me about a week to colour four pages -sometimes it's a struggle sometimes it's a real joy   producing an image  yourself is a  cathartic experience  -I doubt the AI will ever have that.. but still these are dope images but I'll never give up been a humanoid art generator.

Two RamoneTroopers according to Dream.AI

The Next post is a product of hard work sweat and toil -but jt's all worth it.

Sunday, 21 May 2023

A.I Oh-Aye


Some AI Generated images from Craiyon Art Generator  my firsr attempts at AI Art although it hasn't matched humans just yet but it comes up with 9 images from the sentence you type in a search box -in this case Boba Fett playing a sitar  not sutr this one appeared on facebook but thought I'd get random and have Trump attackred by a Duck Billed Platypus and the AI abided

Maybe it's a Pepe Le Pew type situation lol- It's also a Bogart Generator

A few Dredd failures


Judge Muppet .. but at least the A.I kinda knows a little about Joe -Rogue Trooper didn't work but I typed Slaine and it got it wrong but knew it had a sword and sorcercy legendary setting and one Slaine was good

This was meant to  be Hammerstein -mind you it's great for designig big robots

Picture that came from a friends suggestion I've done my own version prior  he prefers that one  to AI  I'll post that at a later date  -The Death Earth

Right now I'll use this as a glorified etch a sketch-  but I hope the pic above  isn't the result of an AI World 

When you're a kid designing Stormtroopers and Mandos in a excercise book was one activity to survive the bleak  early 80's  so I see this as a great sophisticated  tool for that apparently this is what a Ramonetrooper looks like

More Troopers and Mandos

Lord Fett

Pink Panthertrooper

 Would make a most  excellent Jaster Mereel design.

Done Billions of these .. better stop more will follow no doubt.. has no idea about Slave 1 though,


Nice pic of Debbie to finnish here .. 

Sunday, 14 May 2023

The Return of One Eyed Jack


The Return Of Jack McBane - John Wagner and John Cooper proving you can pack a hell of alot into 3 pages -coloured this back in 2021.. posted this on Hipsville365ad blog but seeing as this my main personal blog now plus  he's starring in  a new Dredd story in the Megazine thought I'd dig these up again .. this story originally appeared in a comic before even my time  called Valient .I first eyeballed   Jack when I was about 4 in Battle Action Picture Weekly by then he was a secret agent rather than a Dirty Harry type street cop -which I think suited him better reading his early stories in Eagle and then the collection years later from Treasurey of British Comics-there is Dredd connection in the latest Megazine story looking forward to seeing how that story concludes.- written by Ken Niemand

 I was trying to create an old movie poster look with this -I would do a better version of this now in 2023

Currently working on Anderson PSI Division, Episode 9 of  Charleys War , Star Wars both Newspaper  strip by Al Williamson and Walt Simonsons Ressurection of Evil, a  early Emma Peel era  Avengers story drawn by John Stokes circa 1965  plus another Battle story called Coolies Gun -here's a liitle preview of that  art by another British comic legend Geof Campion


 Busy Busy Busy !.. but need to divide time between this and caring for my Mum so that's why I've been a bit slower lately -I wanted to go  to the next Comic Convention in Enniskillen but that looks unlikely now  because of my duties as a carer  I can't really getaway right now which is a drag -I'll just keep banging out  some coloured pages for the time being.


Fallout 4-Star Outlaws Playlist 5

Totally megalegalong but the best Fallout/Star Wars(with a hint of Indy) they'll be a few more Kay  playlists she's had a hard roa...