Saturday, 23 October 2021

One Offs 1

Just a few Posters and oddities rather than sequential stuff starting with a newish one I did of Nemesis Torquemada and OG Potty Mouth himself Rojaws ,, wanna colour more Nem at some point same goes with Slaine A.B.C Warriors - but where to start -I respect Kevins colouring already seeing as he's the original artist - but may start chronilogically with Purity's Story -actually coloued it before -adolescents and felt tips  so already worked on Nem before unoficially  and Bad Company  too - but might be the place to start rather than jump into Gothic Empire I met Bryan at Brighton Comic Con just as David Tennent audio book came out for Luther Arkwright -I kinda liked Shallow Grave dude maybe thought DT couldn;t cut it  as he was a pretty boy but he did cut it - best since Tom so I eat my words  -I really hope this live action thing is on the go  


Set myself a deadline on this one it had to be done to make a statement but because i'm not super savy at been popular nor think it to be to ones credit in the first place it is what it is a recolouring of a Brian Bolland Cover from back in the day but what happened was true -Olympics ended -Afghanistan falls Chicks gotta fight to survive -a new war begins which is over the heads of the superpowers BB'S been of the nerdbox alot lately- so some tv time here Brians one of the Good Un's may name first son after him and me Dads brother built me a garage and a fort and taught me how to use levers on a JCB  back in 77 or 76 so Brians a good name.

Rat Pack by Ron Tiner -sample page for Fanzine -wont be printed copyright or artistic reasons but I'll be working on Rat Pack first episode-all fan art -anybody can colour old art work -I look after my ma so rather than do something daft like getting wasted I'll  colour  these pages -copyright don't enter my world - its out of fun and respect not dosh.- I'll do Carlos right -I do love checking out old picture libary covers those dudes could really paint- good artists to be inspired by- so I try to mix it up with that and reference especially locations and the type of skies  that exist in that part of the world and chuck in those colours with a Commando or picture libary awareness lol - this is a sample page no script or anything I originally coloured it like the Alps  but decided Jeeps are pure desert jalopy so changed the setting.

Rat Pack turned up Sniper Elite comic I do hope they turn up in next game Normandy would be a neat setting 

Last thing I'll show tonight is very rough in fact closer to a thumbnail sketch colour wise- art wise it's US Prime - just the size I'm working on from scans  on Twitter but bigest version I could find but If I'm gonna colour Al Williamsons Star Wars I start from the very beginning -wish he did the whole movie but got as far as Uncle Owens farm.. but I'll post the two other pages at some point then move onto Bounty of Ord Mantell which I've started alreadywhich are much larger scans

Wednesday, 20 October 2021

Star Wars Colouring Project -The Search Begins

 Started colouring this story around the time Rebels season 1 trailers came out -if I were to do it again now it would be better-more solid more
  McQuarrie -working on some Al Williamson newspaper strips at the moment so it's Ralph influenced  all the way as far as colour goes   here is too 90's comic booky really -but I'm learning here as ever ,,,

Thought it would be a good time to unearth this classic seeing as War of The Bounty Hunters has concluded more about that after I've posted these pages

Story David Michelinie -Art Gene Day& Tom Palmer


Death in the City of Bones to follow more than likely when BOBF Trailer arrives

Megs on the ball -I try to avoid spoliers though -I was right about there been a child in the Mandalorian as it was something I saw but it didn't ruin it for me as I didn't think it would be anything like Grogru(got an awesome mug from my sister with him on it new favourite cup)-It was nice to see some old and new faces turn up in War of the Bounty Hunters -I was very conserned about the health of poor  Zuckuss for a while


Zuckuss and 4 Lom the Simon and Garfunkle of Bounty Hunting -I reckon Bousshh is the Bruce Lee of that trade...mind you looks like he hasn't got much time left between the War of the Bounty Hunters and these events -I reckon his fellow Ubese hunters will want revenge on Leia -but may still be alive (not like Leia to murder may of knocked him out)also very cool to see Domina Tagge in these stories would make a good space Dynasty if she ever became a live action character going up against Qu'ra I guess I'll be posting "Death in the  City of Bone"here  on Trailer day-

Friday, 8 October 2021

Charleys War-Colouring Project -Part 1

 I decided to have another go at the interior cover of the original Titan Album the  background is left bare but this time attempted to create a poppy like exploison or at least the after effects -that was the idea  rather than leaving a blank space  like I did ten years ago -

This became the Front Cover of the Second Volume of the latest reprints. coloured by Len O'Grady so I decided to try something different from his version.

‘None (have come) even close to matching the depiction of inhumanity and misery conjured up by Pat Mills and Joe Colquhoun’s masterful Charley’s War.’-Alan Moore -who of course knows the score 

So here goes the story so far I -have an ambition now to complete the entire story in full colour -it's gonna take years -but wanted to do this since 1979


 I won't post such a big slice next time around -just a regular 3 page episode -but theres nowt regular about the content of the story brillant from start till finish  they'll be  more Joe Colquhoun soon as I attempt to colour the first episode of Johnny Red .

Decided may not conclude Hipsville365ad although deserves more hits that'll be my blog for music and gaming megalong beatnik tv playlists and  general daftness -but this blog will specialize in my colouring of classic stories - just need a bit of privacy and I'll just getalong with it.

Friday, 1 October 2021

Carlos Day

 3 years since we lost Carlos Ezquerra -here's my tribute to King Carlos -from the pages of Colour Like Carlos 

The Very first Judge Dredd from 1977 given my colour treatment
Probably better to check these out on my Flickr Page as they are huge more than likely reduced in size by blogger New from Rebellion the collected Stainless Steel Rat =Illustrated by Carlos and adapted by Kelvin Gosnell I know I posted this film on Hipsville365ad but reasons why I set up this new blog is the fact I'd ask visitors outside UK if they could actually visit that blog and it seemed to be blocked so this will be my new home at least for my comic colouring content - if that don't work taking my wares off to wordpress or somewhere else There's been 6 visitors here so far well at least that's an improvement by 3 lol But here's a lovely tribute to the great man himself King Carlos and a lengthy interview I will be colouring the first episode of Rat Pack- a WW2 Commando story in a few weeks time Hope you get to see it.

Hypsville365ad-Update 2

 Holy Frogman -The Dio's (I must expand there playlist.. everything sounds superdramatic  with this Ronnie Jamesque vocals) The Squad Ca...