Wednesday, 20 October 2021

Star Wars Colouring Project -The Search Begins

 Started colouring this story around the time Rebels season 1 trailers came out -if I were to do it again now it would be better-more solid more
  McQuarrie -working on some Al Williamson newspaper strips at the moment so it's Ralph influenced  all the way as far as colour goes   here is too 90's comic booky really -but I'm learning here as ever ,,,

Thought it would be a good time to unearth this classic seeing as War of The Bounty Hunters has concluded more about that after I've posted these pages

Story David Michelinie -Art Gene Day& Tom Palmer


Death in the City of Bones to follow more than likely when BOBF Trailer arrives

Megs on the ball -I try to avoid spoliers though -I was right about there been a child in the Mandalorian as it was something I saw but it didn't ruin it for me as I didn't think it would be anything like Grogru(got an awesome mug from my sister with him on it new favourite cup)-It was nice to see some old and new faces turn up in War of the Bounty Hunters -I was very conserned about the health of poor  Zuckuss for a while


Zuckuss and 4 Lom the Simon and Garfunkle of Bounty Hunting -I reckon Bousshh is the Bruce Lee of that trade...mind you looks like he hasn't got much time left between the War of the Bounty Hunters and these events -I reckon his fellow Ubese hunters will want revenge on Leia -but may still be alive (not like Leia to murder may of knocked him out)also very cool to see Domina Tagge in these stories would make a good space Dynasty if she ever became a live action character going up against Qu'ra I guess I'll be posting "Death in the  City of Bone"here  on Trailer day-

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