Tuesday, 24 October 2023

Out of Action

 About this time last year read Kevin O'Neills final story which featured this  toerag wielding  a big chain  I think his name is Baz  thought I'd make good on my promise last year  and re-colour it so it isn't a rozzer as Carlos didn't draw the victim as policeman but an innocent bystander who's only crime was been over 20 (I know how he feels now)the original colourist coloured guys suit navy blue so it matched the Policemans hat who ever it was didn't stop to think the outrage it would cause  mind you I feel Baz's rage with the world  right now  it's meeting a cresendo  and  the people that wield the power  are abusing it whilst everybody else caught up are in it are like  this innocent bystander  I'm sick to my back teeth of it  I coloured this as a hospital was bombed and the water switched off for refugees but it's nothing compared to the real victims on both sides the thing is there are no sides just manipulators and corrupters of the truth they are the ones that deserve the worst of it... they need to see the inside of cell in Holland  the sooner the better,

 This wasn't the actual last issue of Action before the Ban that was a Hellman cover featuring a Hammer and Sickle and Swastika on the cover but this is the cover that caught the presses attention .. I  may of saw this comic at school when it rained playtime would be spent in a classroom there were loads of old comics to read  among them Action and lots of Battles so you'd devour them and wish it would rain more lol -too young to remember Action when it first came out but was definitley a thing and wound up on Nationwide with Frank Bough throwing a wobbley  and ripping an issue up in a rage (must of been like Think Once Think Twice Think Bike advert lol )

 Here's someone who did read at the time and  has a thing about Hookjaw (who was  a way cooler shark than Jaws and I guess his spiritual ancestors would be Old One Eye from Flesh and Saturnus from The Cursed Earth and Nemesis the Warlock)


I was asked on social media to colour this scene from Action, from a story called Look Out for Lefty which was a soccor strip  which wound up in a tabloid on it's crusade of outrage (even though paper itself would show topless models) for a piece entitled The Seven Penny Nightmare hopefully this will appear in a fanzine soon-Story Tom Tully- Art Toy Harding
You'd see this sort of thing once a year with England played Scotland after Swap Shop -Lefty's lucky to have a girl like Angie who should of been the star of the story, who started out as skinhead then went onto Bay City Rollers and eventually mod style suits the player she bottled was a real creep though and his bully of a brother-Lefty was a bit more realistic than say Roy Race or Hamish Hotshot , poor guy had to look after his grandfather who was pissed all the time and help him run antique shop. Heres a doc featuring Action as well as Viz , 2000ad , Deadline , Warrior and others -nice to see Brett Ewins as well .. opening moments gave me a shock but it's art really - BBC made this .. Aunty Beebs not in my good books better off getting news from Al Jazeera these days

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