Saturday, 26 November 2022

Fettout 4

Bit tired tonight can't be bothered with anything else , so I made me own tv -this time its Boba and Mando (hopefully framerate was better than my original Avengers one on the other blog)Goes on forever which is good in the long run..Updated added many more vids to playlist 2 and added the sudden conclusion (had to start again as computer was playing up sp I'll post the playlist that followed that in a future post. under "The Pipboy of Boba"

Friday, 25 November 2022

HypTV 139

Been sufferering with eye probs lately -so started the week off well enough halfway through Anderson,,Charleys War ,Spinball ,Star Wars and Blade Runner but as week wore on its been impossible to colour its all hot towels and painkillers -but managed to do this yesterday an experiment with photography - It may be possible to come up with picture libary format comuc strip that has look and feel of an episode of the Avengers - mind you it may be a bit more Monty Python this approach -anyhow been doing tonnes until I came to standstill may as well post this continuing on from old blog Hipsville365ad

Tuesday, 15 November 2022

Charleys War Colouring Project-Episode 8


I aimed for Rememberance Sunday to complete these pages -then thought I might ruin things if I go too fast  -and it struck me everyday is rememberance day it has to be for me at least.  Finally a new vid on Charley deserves to be known to wider and younger audience,

This dude should buy this version -all re-scanned from original artwork by a member of the Damned and what I'm using to colour these pages 


Bit of Cam -I would do more but scanners been awkward I need a grown up to fix it.
Lee Marvin directed by Coppola is how I'm gonna approach this but that will be a while off the red borders a nod to Blazing Combat comics Fighting Mann by Alan Hebden and Cam the Man Kennedy theres a hardback alongside some classic Mike Western War Dog.

Thursday, 10 November 2022

The Sarge in Sicily -Final Part+Tribute to Kevin O'Neill


 The Sarge-Script Gerry Finley Day -Art Mike Western (I only know this thanks to Kevin O'Neill who without his efforts to get artist writer and letterers credits  it's possible we'd never know who did what which was out of order for all the work done ) Boba Fett nod to Kevin -

Gonna have a wee break from The Sarge -I'd like to wait till volume 2 of  The Sarge comes out  and scan those pages (your own scans make all the difference as oppossed to copies from old newsprint  so the quality of these pages are a improvement from prior scans) 

I could go back to the start of story  but this was the period I started looking at comics and books as a whole  so I'm learning to read with  Fluff and Nip, Topsy and Tim  and  Battle Action, Victor & Warlord lol (this story  came out originally  when I was 4) talking of Warlord  which I liked  too although more for the obscure stories rather than the Posh  Secret Agent  - I have to read this story as a whole  about a African American Soldier    and it's illustrated by Hellman artist Mike Dorey too so it's quality but   I hope  it's written well -originally they used minimal colours you couldn't tell if he was a brother so I  gave it  a re-colour

Art Ian Kennedy

Been a shite week  -we lost Leslie Phillips  and Kevin O'Neill  I  did a quick re-colour of a 2000ad  Star Scan  I didn't over do it trying to colour Nemesis in a similar style to how he would of painted it at that time -major dude - needs a theme park.

Kev did a few awesome Dredd episodes just before Marshal Law came out it should be fun to colour those perhaps one day This dude made a nice video about Carlos which I featured in earlier post he'll be talking about Charleys War in a few days (which should be my next post here so you'll get to see it here too) I really should of done a big tribute to Neal Adams earlier in the year(it truly has been a dog of a year( but I tend to focus on comics I grew up with and stayed with although Adams art had a profound effect on  me too as a sprog -I guess I'm a bit Marshal Law when it comes to Superheroes You read Charley from week to week and realise  heros are everywhere don't matter if there super duper  or not - but so many artists I'd like to colour...

Last story I saw Kevin's  art featured the kid on front cover of  Action  that shocked the nation all because of a colouring mistake - colourists could cause all kinds of chaos back then lol-maybe I'll correct that mistake and stop Frank Bough losing it in another dimenson lol



Saturday, 5 November 2022

Anderson PSI Division Colouring Project Part 3


Story Alan Grant and John Wagner -Art Cliff Robinson -lettering Tom Frame.

This was my third attempt at these pages-as  I started these directly after the last episode back in 2020 but then computer crashed and I lost nearly everything then it happened a second time earlier this year (I'd also nearly completed colouring four pages of Charleys War that was some of my best colouring  I lost those pages too hence the lack of Charley in recent times -but I'm aiming for Rememberance Sunday for those pages trouble is my eyes now playing up my eye is now a heavy consumer of Optrex so I have to lay off colouring till eye heals which is difficult  as I'm kind of addicted to my work/fun (not work if it don't pay but it is work none the less as I'm paid in whether it turns out well or not.

Early Cliff Robinson  more to come plus a few Dredd posters from that era too -I guess Brett may of gone to draw some Johnny Nemo and Sindy Shade for Strange Days  which was also 1985 but he'd return for The Posssesssed which hopefully I'll get around to colouring once this story is concluded 

Talking of Strange Days gutted to hear about Brendan retiring from the drawing board with my recent problems with my eyes I can empathise I'm hoping this is just temporary -when you're as creative as Brendan theres always a way.

Always liked Brendan's Titan covers for Judge Dredd but he'd change the style of Dredd week after week the helmet would grow and become more flared even Steve Dillion started drawing drawing Joes  bucket  in this style  but this is more like the Dredd that appears on the Titan Covers and the Wally Squad which is a more classical look for Dredd.

Hypsville365ad-Update 2

 Holy Frogman -The Dio's (I must expand there playlist.. everything sounds superdramatic  with this Ronnie Jamesque vocals) The Squad Ca...