Saturday, 22 March 2025

Hypsville365ad Playlist -Fifth Update

I'll sort out Jims trousers later.. this is tempoary,cover  nightmare shrinking image still not right seeing as I have to repaint trousers lol Jim Mojo Risin' circa 72 , wanna see what he'd do through the decade of Judith Hann and Michael Rodd.. meaning the 1970s , the next  lp could be Krautrock influenced (no offence it's what it was called back then}, 70's Glam , pure Funk or something totally unexpected , wish I could get a feel for the other Doors .. may go backward in time for next Lizard King thing with Jim and the Ravens or something(a virtual Jim & Ray  doing Kingsmen, Wailers, Sonics era tunes that would work) .. Who's Next ?
Pete Davies from Fallout London and The OOO my alternate universe  Who (and High Numbers-The Low Digits)

Went to see a Pink Floyd tribute band last sunday more mid to late 70's Floyd but they did do a version of Lucifer Sam which inspired this Ripple or Rubble like comp, highlights include Hard Machine, Gene Clerk, Sane Donkey and the Sigma 4 (which was the template for the  next lot)



 I think the Meggadeath era  Floyd was before Syd joined not quite sure can't get his voice but some of them remind me of proto Arnold Layne era .. I'll have to master psychedelia.

 Had to change artwork on this as I miss spelt Psychedelic gor some reason  that word makes me dyslexic 

But finally got that Stoogey sound including Jimmy O's yells and attitude -so I've deleted first attempt "No Power"  as I've actually over filled the audio player so some albums will vanish (but they'll return at a later point of time) the Idea behind this is imagine the Stooges origins in 1967 halfway through creating that lp theres also Frownhaus which starts off a bit Neil Youngy but after that becomes more Stoogesque  as when I went to Udio and it had a better match for the guitar and voice

 may have a go at a 1971 era Stoooges again this was really a testing ground.

Only Natural that I have a go at the 5 too got a Brother Robin Tyner  doing his thing-like Brother John Sinclair said "Stay Alive with the MC5"- decided to go back to Brother Wayne Kramers first group The Bounty Hunters and let my Imagination run riot alongside the A.I



 Zenta Forever

 A Neon Boys, Patti Smith and Televison Carcrash thing -may do Patti with with her husbands band Sonic's Reassemble Band 

Two imaginary comps I put together -Back to the Cave my version of Back fro the Grave compilation and a rave up Eurovision Song Contest from a dimenson where the Kinks  or the Hep Stars would be allowed to compete rather than soft safe stuff.

 Back to the Silver Ramons.. I completed Revolter last night but may try out remixing especially for the last track but dropped Rubber Punks and a box set of outakes "Everyday and The Day After "

 Kind of proud of this one  Before-Hand-The Electric Things



Much More Music on the way..but next post will be the next very long instalment of Star Outlaws


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