Sunday, 23 July 2023

Fallout Order Season 3

 Ai Captain Rex who turns up at Nuka World  in Porter Gage role-I do miss playing this on PC  but need a new machine for that- currently halfway through another playlist FemmeOut4 (I'll post that here eventually) which is more base game  as its PS4 which have way less mods because Sony are nuts-Not sure I care for Starfield now either as its a silent protagonist ~(is it the year 2000? year of our Claude?  )  maybe someone will come up with AI voice lines a or do it themselves - but no fan of silent protagonist approach

Plenty of Natter and Chatter and Splatter at least in  Part 3 of Fallout Order  


May write a story set durring the events of Return of the Jedi from Royal Guards perspective (possibly already done but my ideas way more epic in scale -I need an excuse to write again so if my fan fiction has AI imagary alongside it it'll give it that Jackonory effect. 


Captain Fordo & Commander (Down to Seeds and Stems Again) Cody

Here's Clonetrooper armor showcase  for  Fallout 4 mods really hard to trackdown  though,

I wonder about this dawn of the force movie whether we'll see  the earlyMando's  or maybe with all the set backs like now with writers strike perhaps it begins really  earnestly  super low budget Button Moon  style  .lol-

AI Cannot do original ideas and make it into a  truer sense only human writers can do that  but I think the argument is really about how Ai is used to replicate  faces and by doing so invoking the rights of writers and creators   Hopefully something will be worked out before too long- It may be a while before Ashoka and Andor Season 2i I'm    really looking forward to this  as it may be a good while before you get much more new live action Star Wars TV apart from Skeleton Crew 

and this "Scoundral Fantasy at it's Beating Heart!" sounds about right" :) Still need to get through both Fallen Order and Survivour to get through as well as Starfield and Fallout London landing towards end of the year -plenty to stay entertained with Lukey here...
Another alternate universe 1986 Clone Wars concept River Phoenix as Anakin

Tim Roth as Obi Wan -

The Clone Wars 1957 poster

Starring Alec Guinness and Sebastian Shaw (who is 11 years older than Guinness so I guess in this version Anakin is undiscovered prodigy working as a Navigator in hi forties ) 


Mind you the Anakin Iimagened back in 84 is very much like Hunter from The Bad Batch would be great if I could find that old excercise book and scan the pages but thats almost 40 years ago - but it may still exist also drew a story about Indy back then treasure  hunting in the Andes - not much a story though just fighting as thats what you draw when your 11 lol - Bob Falfa turns up in my Agents of Railroad playlist -I'll repost that here after this one ends or you can view them on old blog


 Maybe American Graffiti III is the  order  of the day lol,  The Original Bob I wonder if him & Indy they ever bumped into each other back in 1969

Wednesday, 5 July 2023

2000ai -Post 1

Some 2000ad inspired images created by Dream Wombo Art Generator


Fink I know what I'll post now here's Finks younger bro Junior Angel

Some Dodgy Dredds

Sid Death

Fergee  King of the Big Smelly

Orlok The Assassin

a few Spikes Harvey  Rottens  or possibly Red  O'Donnell  seeing he hasn't got grenade earing (the AI couldn't figure that concept out)

It's either Shane or Kurtd  tried Johnny Rotten didn't work as well

Max Normal minus pinstripes (perp stole them).. I'll do more in correct suit (I did write" pinstripe" the Ai wouldn't listen)

Wulf Sternhammer


Durham Red

El Mestizo

Major Eazy

Sam Slade Robo Hunter  before meeting Stogie(the next step in vapin technology') seeing as i'm in a Bogie mood



Slaine in the rain
Anderson and Hershey
Harold X Button Man.. must create a Bill Savage at some stage... could do this forever -but sleeps a better option.

Hypsville365ad-Update 2

 Holy Frogman -The Dio's (I must expand there playlist.. everything sounds superdramatic  with this Ronnie Jamesque vocals) The Squad Ca...