Thursday, 11 November 2021

Charleys War Colouring Project -Episode 6

 Art Joe Colquhoun

First time I saw this image must of been 1983 or 84 so I'm 11 - in a copy of Battle picture weekly in black and white advert - it was just as Titan books were starting - Charley most certainly deserved the book treatment I even traveled up to Forbidden Planet to buy it with my eldest sister Evil Edna - I guess it would of been 84 when Cynthia Martin was drawing Star Wars - Power Pack was happening not sure Secret Wars had began or if Transformers had taken off the way it did - I'd check the back cover and dream and wonder what Ro Busters was and ABC Warriors -who  looked like Death Squad but as Robots with a mad looking kid alongside them then I see authors name- same writer as Charley - so I knew I had to check that stuff out (even before my knowledge of Dredd or Rogue) but when I see these covers by Kevin O'Neill and Mike McMahon I want an animated series

Enough nostalgia back to today  I managed to finnish colouring episode 6 of Charleys War I aimed for armistice day -not sure if i'll follow up for Sunday it depends if it's a 3 or 4 page episode ..see how I feel tommorow. Story Pat Mills Art Joe Colquhoun
Just hope my colour doesn't look like vandalism - but I've wanted to colour these stories forever -a brillant ending to chapter one of  this story as the next phase is the Battle of the Somme itself so the firstt 22 pages of story would make a good issue 1 in an alternate universe where Eagle Comics printed Charley alongside Dredd and 2000ad titles -maybe that happened in another dimenson -  here's some more modern trench art

Wednesday, 3 November 2021

Star Wars Colouring Project -Death in The City of Bone

Image has nowt to do with  Death in the City of Bones - but it's Youngish  Bob at his best  drawn by Al Williamson - I will update this eventually but my mission right now and  I'm on alot of missions is to colour Al's newspaper strips  in  order and then go onto The Empire Strikes Back  and stories inbetween that including  Crimson Forever  Droid World (Carmen Infintino and Gene Day awesomeness ) and Resurection of  Evil and all the great stuff Walt Simonson  and Tom Palmer put together back in the day too - doing Charley, Sarge, Dredd , Possibly Nemesis and Slaine Codename Eagle , Rat Pack soon and Johnny Red - I hope I haven't overfilled my ashtray  of delights -

A good way to start  a bleak month  I'll give my lowdown after  I post  Death in the City of Bone


Death in The City of Bone Issue 69 of Original Star Wars Comic printed in 1983 Story David Michellini Art- Gene Day and Tom Palmer
The Original Mandalore-I'd like to think if there's a season  3 of The Mandalorian  that we get to see a live action Mandalore at last or at least Concord Dawn -Mandalore seems like sand and glass in The Clone Wars and Rebels -A few city sized dragon skeletons scattered around would be a neat nod to this story if anyone is worthy of The Dark Saber it's Bobs but from looks of things he's trying to unite the scum and villiany right now ..

I we get to see all this in flashback sequences or along these lines Open Seasons and Bounty Hunter game were a good way to set up The Fetts -come to think of it , I wonder if we get to see an older version of Omega Bobs sis - it's all very Gangster but Fett to me is the hired gun rather than Scarface so hopefully we'll see that journey that changes his role in the galaxy-some Bob Rocking Beats I'll try to colour some more of Als New Hope today can't go into super detail like lately as pages are weeny but as a training excercise to see if I can get colours as close to original movie -should be fun to do

Hypsville365ad-Update 2

 Holy Frogman -The Dio's (I must expand there playlist.. everything sounds superdramatic  with this Ronnie Jamesque vocals) The Squad Ca...