Saturday, 13 July 2024

Fallout 4-Season 4 Playlist

 Something that will appear in future playlists "The Lonesome Wanderer" the only working machine in the waste  it seems

Season 4 already -Blimey ! 

 It'll take a while to watch all these I tend to watch ten episodes a day so it feels like  a whole  TV episode

Starts off  violently abruptly as Stephanie Harper and co has to deal with Supermutants and Nightkins

A few more holiday snaps
The Return of Benny (perhaps)
Sebastian Leslie Bartholomew Codsworth .

Plenty of Enclave action seeing as I'm trying out the excellent Legacy of the Enclave Mod Aka America Rising 2 by Otellino talking of evil  American Idiots  a certain Ex Prez turns up halfway through storyline.

 As well as the return of the Enclave Jericho makes a reappearence minus voice though -I do have the voice mod but it must be loading wrong-eventually as game goes along he will transform into Johnny Redburn just because it felt right at the time.

Theres an excellent mod that transforms Nuka World into Legion country Nuka World New Vegas Legion Overhaul by MrTob94  you'll find most of these mods on Nexus- but here's my Caesar Gage

No doubt I'll mess around with a few stills later on and stick them through AI thingy and posts the results later on the other blog -but imagine if theres an ai tool that could make this look photorealistic whilst its moving not sure how far off that is maybe sooner than one realizes.

Hypsville365ad-Update 2

 Holy Frogman -The Dio's (I must expand there playlist.. everything sounds superdramatic  with this Ronnie Jamesque vocals) The Squad Ca...