It's been about a fortnight and already completed 100 episodes (cheaper to make than a proper show too )Stephanie Harper continues her adventures in the Commonwealth as her loyalties are tested by The Institute
It's been about a fortnight and already completed 100 episodes (cheaper to make than a proper show too )Stephanie Harper continues her adventures in the Commonwealth as her loyalties are tested by The Institute
It'll be a year or two before next Fallout tv season really comes out .. it's boiund to feature Nevada and New Vegas as we see in closing credits of final episode ... but here's the main feature goes on a bit (perfect viewing if you want avoid pop up politicians like I do right now ) Season 3 will arrive in a couple of weeks..
More Fallout 4 from a long time ago in a galaxy far far away... The plot thickens .. kinda slowly- the way story keeps expanding with m...