Sunday, 28 April 2024

Indiana Jones and The Institute of Doom


The Sequel to last post but one  .. getting more views on Youtube   mainly due to new TV show which is  Grande  +  1 -well done gawd bless ya -I've been playing Vegas  and FO3 lately as well on ps+  stream but may switch those games  to computer  and see if mods  can improve  and update  2008  and 2010 seems like yesterday to me been 51  everthing seems like just yesterday  too  but technology and squaresville  has moved on ..

Indy with his  all too many beautiful  bodyguards (my fault it's a bad habit lol you can be a bit of a god especially with  sharing rings more so on a P.C ( Hills Angels Commandos  but they're  more tuff )

 Look out for Abner  too (played by Steven Speilberg)- he'd be the perfect Abner Ravenwood


Next Playlist will be more linked to the new show I'll play my possible cousin (actress has same surname) Stephanie Hale  the lady who lost her eye in first episode  lots of familiar faces should turn up if fallout script extender  can return  as that helps with many things  - but  that'll be slow process I imagine -right now I can't mess with the faces I had plans for Sturgis and Preston lookslike I'm gonna have stick a mask over them for now,



Next Fallout Playlist will be on Computer rather than Ps4 so I can do alot more like the old Star Wars/ Avengers /SHEILD playlists i've created before but this time super Fallout Lore .. seems to be a thing so  big references to the original games and tv show   rather than me  recreating another universe . (although very tempted to do a Jango Fett playthrough  at some point )

Bummed out by the fact Fallout London has been  fecked by the latest update .. we all know this mod is thee Bees Knees already  I hope something can be done soon in order to play this mod

Wednesday, 10 April 2024

Starlight Drive Inn Fallout Triple Bill

 Currently playing Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas at last( better late than never).. but  on playstation plus so its stream only so can't film anything or mod stuff but enjoying both games although wish they could be updated to the Fallout 4 style perhaps you can do that to some degree on PC so once I sort out this problem buying games I'll have to download these and make a few playthrough movies -but then again got Starfield, Star wars Outlaws and the Indy game also coming out something tells me I wont get through the base games anytime soon either  .. To commerate the Fallout TV show Three of the best (Including Red Star and The Wanderer among The Nuka Break episodes ... but first up a rare thing indeed  a Fallout 4 live action film -most of these fan films tend to be New Vegas orientated  it seems

Nice twist at the end A good setup for a lone wanderer the wonderfully named Aldous Mercury (sounds like Freddies clever brother) Saved the best till last-watched this a few Sundays ago -but this time around everything is in chronilogical order a trailer to the follow up coming soon I gotta avoid spoilers for tv show now -the reviews sound encouarging-bound to be good it's got Ray Manzarek in it.

Fallout 4-Star Outlaws Playlist 5

Totally megalegalong but the best Fallout/Star Wars(with a hint of Indy) they'll be a few more Kay  playlists she's had a hard roa...