Monday, 3 January 2022

Johnny Red -Colouring Project Episode 1


 Johnny Red -Story Tom Tully -Art Joe Colquhoun  -Colours-John O'Hagan

3 huge scans -a massive thanks to John Freeman of Down the Tubes website  for the jpegs -Pages that first appeared back in 1977 just itching to be coloured -more proof that Joe Colquhoun  is the Man!

I'll start Episode 2 this week try and get back into the swing of things -nice to actually  see that at least I did some work last year got slowed down a bit lately but new year so I'll back to full throttle hopefully

JR made a return back in 2015-thanks to Garth Ennis and Keith Page



Wonder if Johnny would ever get the Preacher and Boys treatment on the tv ? Charleys War would certainly work if right people made it- more Johhny Red in colour soon.

Hypsville365ad -Third Update

 3rd Official lp from Silver Ramon's my alternate universe Beatles -where Stuart Sutcliffe and Pete Best  provide backbeat -might as wel...