Wednesday, 26 March 2025
Fallout 4-Star Outlaws Playlist 5
Totally megalegalong but the best Fallout/Star Wars(with a hint of Indy) they'll be a few more Kay playlists she's had a hard road but after that a 2000AD meets Fallout playlist I'll look forward to that - ..I've gone off playing games lately mind you its all about the recreation of cool never mind re-birth cool always is Mr Miles dude. such fun these music playlists i need to bore of it as there are other things to do one such thing is the finale of Andor .. but I'm thinking somewhere down the line a sequel about Bothan spies that's needed involving same people who created show or get those Star Wars Underworld scripts turned into something, closest thing we have to proper George stuff- I reckon Andor 2 will be the best thing since Mando and Rogue 1 popped up though
Saturday, 22 March 2025
Hypsville365ad Playlist -Fifth Update

Went to see a Pink Floyd tribute band last sunday more mid to late 70's Floyd but they did do a version of Lucifer Sam which inspired this Ripple or Rubble like comp, highlights include Hard Machine, Gene Clerk, Sane Donkey and the Sigma 4 (which was the template for the next lot)
I think the Meggadeath era Floyd was before Syd joined not quite sure can't get his voice but some of them remind me of proto Arnold Layne era .. I'll have to master psychedelia.
Had to change artwork on this as I miss spelt Psychedelic gor some reason that word makes me dyslexic
But finally got that Stoogey sound including Jimmy O's yells and attitude -so I've deleted first attempt "No Power" as I've actually over filled the audio player so some albums will vanish (but they'll return at a later point of time) the Idea behind this is imagine the Stooges origins in 1967 halfway through creating that lp theres also Frownhaus which starts off a bit Neil Youngy but after that becomes more Stoogesque as when I went to Udio and it had a better match for the guitar and voice
may have a go at a 1971 era Stoooges again this was really a testing ground.
Only Natural that I have a go at the 5 too got a Brother Robin Tyner doing his thing-like Brother John Sinclair said "Stay Alive with the MC5"- decided to go back to Brother Wayne Kramers first group The Bounty Hunters and let my Imagination run riot alongside the A.I
Zenta Forever
A Neon Boys, Patti Smith and Televison Carcrash thing -may do Patti with with her husbands band Sonic's Reassemble Band
Two imaginary comps I put together -Back to the Cave my version of Back fro the Grave compilation and a rave up Eurovision Song Contest from a dimenson where the Kinks or the Hep Stars would be allowed to compete rather than soft safe stuff.
Back to the Silver Ramons.. I completed Revolter last night but may try out remixing especially for the last track but dropped Rubber Punks and a box set of outakes "Everyday and The Day After "
Kind of proud of this one Before-Hand-The Electric Things
Much More Music on the way..but next post will be the next very long instalment of Star Outlaws
Tuesday, 11 March 2025
Hypsville365ad Playlist -Fourth Update
Something I was working on before Christmas Ralph McQuarries promo poster sketches which this is the first of many, I 'm halfway through first act of Star Wars Apocalypse Ago (may think of a better title seeing as Apocalypse is a very earth concept)Need to de-obessive from Music Generator trip though which is possible .. but not right now , so this image serves for recordings of Aquialian Rangers seeing as that's who these characters are ..need to figure out classical music or a hybrid of it before I get to work on soundtrack proper
Grew up in the 80s and the JAMC were a big part of it so whilst trying to create a Velvet Underground type song on Udio got a song that sounded a bit like them instead so the Poppy Seeds will serve as my Robo Reed Bros.. only two songs so far Udio's a bit tricker to figure out
Always wondered what The Crucial Three (Julian Cope, Pete Wylie and Ian McCulloch) would of sounded like , more than likely nothing like this but Alligators has it's Bunnymenesque moments
Vol 1 & 2 are videoplaylists on youtube -this is way more garage comp like , highlights include The Shovels, The Pretty Saxons and Public Threat
Two alternate universe classics from Silver Ramons, who knows could even make Hard Knights Day and Yelp into AI movies if I can figure out that stuff.. works already began on the follow up Rubber Punk should hear a few from that over the week
Tried hard to create a Velvet Underground sounding band on Suno but it's never worked out so went to Udio although its a bit trial and error
Second long player platter from Masters of the B-Side my Damned, Pistols,Pretenders punk rock car crash
Aussie Punk Pioneers The Quaints
Also from the land of Oz The Mutiny Party
3rd FyreBurds Album -Older than Tommorow-
Udios very good for the Funk I find-The J.B.E is my nod to Soul Brother #1 although don't sound or look like him lol I'd say he's Soul Brother #7
Gotta Have a Sly & Family Stone type combo as well
Ooh it's me back in 92 thought I'd have a go at recreating old songs or at least the vibe of them some of it worked but some of it wasn't what I had in mind .. plus forgotten alot of lyrics, may have another go some time
Madame Monaco greatest hits-more a career retrospective, so I can do whole albums of different eras later on , no idea what most of the words mean, random factor go but in french , debated whether this was going to be Madame Cholet but that would of been silly
Jimbo's return continues in The Adept -next up Jim Circa 1973 and Door Power
An Attempt at a Jimi voice nothing like him but guitar is fun , cool that the real Jimi was a local in Flintstone for a few monthes even played the Old Labor Hall and near the local libary
This eejit -Bernie Clifton wannabee
3rd Finks LP rather good I'd say,but in dire need of Nickey Hopkins piano though
and the Third Things lp I should follow this with Beforehand
Theres probably more I cover -I'm a constant creation machine right now.But I'm off to see a real band at weekend with Sister Zippy aint done that since Jim Jones All Stars but good to have my Sister back locally won't be stuck in front of keyboard all the time.
Tuesday, 25 February 2025
Hypsville365ad -Third Update
3rd Official lp from Silver Ramon's my alternate universe Beatles -where Stuart Sutcliffe and Pete Best provide backbeat -might as well do this before they take all this stuff away from us.. noticed there is a John Cage tribute act doing the rounds on the News that's the first sign of things going sour again for armchair rockers- I'm not doing this for profit only for fun and if it gets people to check out the real artists they're loosely based upon then cool,just a dream come true (sometimes... it's a bit trial and error )
Third Things Longplayer (which is my nod to Pretty Things & Rolling Stones) I can't get a good likeness on Suno but it's an alternate Universe probably look as rebellious as bank managers lol
Da Captain ..Arthur Lowe and Luv's second outing .. Movember around 1967(they all want to be Arthur lol)
Jim Morrisons Dog Sage made an LP back in 1970 before Jimbo headed for Paris (got wrong breed mind he was a Alastian mixed breed)
We dream of our heroes and friends coming back so I tried at least ( a.i can't replicate The Doors they are too good of musicians) but in this fantasy Sage saved Jimbo from snorting that stupid white powder just like Lassy and they went onto record L.P .. follow up will be OST to The Adept which the real Jim and his fellow Poet buddy Michael McClure were working on before he died it's very much in the vein of Easy Rider but written before that movie came out ...a counter culture Treasure of Sierra Madre
Trying to make a Nick Drakish persona going .. of course I dream of more Nick doing more music .. doubt I can get the voice or guitar playing ever same goes with Ian Curtis but these lads should of kept going .. this is done out of love & appreciation nothing more
Never rocked a tie .. but kinda like Nick,..
More The Up-Liners Sect too follow (It's between the Flying Earls who are my fave creations).. they were the first
This A.I totally is Curtis Mayfield at least in voice .. More Kurtis should appear on playlist over next few weeks
Like I said before Ian Curtis would of liked more , an attempt at getting Ians Ghost into studio with his friends and brothers .. needs improving though.
One song only so far but kinda Lefte Bankey , used Udio for this one wish they had a persona thing going , different artists everytime. except for N.Y,C Witch who I created on Udio but it's a drag writing the same descriptions everytime
The Lah's born out of a Up-liner Sect song which sounded like The La's meets John Barry so created this persona , Carla Monaco's eye as she's my fave model plus she's from Liverpool
Can't be a sixties throwback all the time so I rely on the learned Melvyn and the Braggs to blast out my contemporary issue punk songs such as R.I.P A.I and this one
I may cancel the other blog if you don't check out what I'm doing.. I'm fed up of you not caring- and I hate social media as they're owned by similar arseholes to the shitehawk above so I don't promote here is the place only I post .. if you're truly cool you do not need to promote anything in the first place
Fallout 4-Star Outlaws Playlist 5
Totally megalegalong but the best Fallout/Star Wars(with a hint of Indy) they'll be a few more Kay playlists she's had a hard roa...

Johnny Red -Story Tom Tully -Art Joe Colquhoun -Colours-John O'Hagan 3 huge scans -a massive thanks to John Freeman of Down the Tube...
Scout Walker sings Jacques Brel lol -learning how to colour with Archie Goodwin and Al Williamson's newspaper strips from 1981- also lo...
Old Stoney Faces Birthday today ...thought I'd stick these up ..I'll follow up with part 2 takes a while to assemble these into ord...